𝛗web -David Phillips & Family - Phiweb

Site map

This page provides links to the revised site as sections are migrated.


     Christian Faith

          What is a Christian?           

          How should a Christian view the Bible?

          About the Bible

          A run though the Bible

          Biblical Chronology

          Objections to the Bible

          Why bother with liturgy?

          The Lord's Supper - Biblical Teaching


         Exile and Return     (a sub site)

Family Tree

     Family Tree overview

     Main Tree (a sub site)

     Staffords in Ashley (an older subsite produce with MS-word)

     Jack Phillips

     Sinking of thy Lanfranc

     Fred Cox, Yaroslavl

     Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights

     All roads lead to Birmingham

     First Family Tree

Hobbies etc

     Britain's Best 100 Railway Stations

     Model Railway

     Sugar Packiet Collecting (a sub site)

          UK Sucrologists Club (a separate site)

          UK Sugar Packet Database (a separate site)

          French Packets Database

          Other Packets Databases





     Harry Coomb's Church Photos

     Church Computer Users Groups History

     Crossfigure Puzzles

     Dewey Theological index numbers